Have you ever pondered your purpose on earth or wondered why you were created? Many people embark on a search for answers, sometimes through positive avenues and other times less so. The truth is, when we have questions about something, we often seek guidance from an expert or the creator. Similarly, when it comes to our lives, we need to hear directly from God.
At The Father’s House Church, we've launched a new ministry focused on listening to God's voice and sharing what He desires to reveal to each individual. If you're interested in receiving a word from God, we invite you to register for a time slot here:
“For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Rev. 19:10
We're passionate about encouraging people to walk fully in who they were created to be. The ability to hear God is a gift and a testament to our relationship with a loving God who desires to communicate with us! The truth is this is available for anyone who follows Jesus (1 Cor. 14:3).
During an Encouraging Words and Prayer ministry we work as a team when sharing a word. We each speak in part recognizing that each person brings in a unique piece that can bring a fuller picture of what God wants to share with us.
Our primary objective is simply to speak words saturated in God’s truth and love so that you can see and understand Jesus better.
So come and receive what God has in store for you today!
If you would like to schedule a session to receive an encouraging word with us, please see the link below. All our ministry sessions are held in our church located at the Father’s House Church in Oroville.
This ministry is open to everyone—whether you are a church member, a pastor, or someone exploring faith, regardless of your background.
Two or three of our church staff and pastors will begin by taking time to listen for what God wants to share with you. This may include words of encouragement, guidance, prayer, or whatever He places on their hearts.
Come with an expectant heart, ready to hear from God! Be sure to bring a recording device so you can revisit the message at any time. You may also find it helpful to write it down and share it with a mentor or leader, who can support you as you walk it out.
If you have any questions, please email Miruna at mirunaveenhuis@tfhc-oroville.org.